Overview / Uninstall
Uninstalling MacKeeper
To uninstall MacKeeper, follow these steps:
Quit the application.
Open your Applications folder.
Find the MacKeeper icon and drag it to the Trash.
Drag the MacKeeper icon to the Trash
Enter your user account password.
Enter your user account password
Click Uninstall MacKeeper. (Optional) In the survey form under the Uninstall MacKeeper button, choose one of the reasons for uninstalling MacKeeper.
Click Uninstall MacKeeper
Enter your user account password once again.
Use the Empty Trash function to completely delete MacKeeper.
Please be aware that, for security and anti-fraud purposes, all the backups you've made with MacKeeper™ will remain on your computer and can be accessed even after MacKeeper™ uninstallation. Encrypted files will remain hidden and can't be opened or modified without MacKeeper™, so make sure you decrypt them before removing the application.
NOTE: We recommend to reboot your Mac for complete MacKeeper™ uninstallation.